Caregiving for Veterans: Surviving and Thriving

Transition means heading into the golden years of life, right? Like with all things military, sometimes transition doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes you find that your veteran is facing bigger physical and mental challenges than expected and now you are navigating a new role as a caregiver. Shawn Moore, LMSW, Director of Support Programs and […]
Understanding VA Disability Ratings and VA Math for Military Spouses

“So, what’s your disability rating?” It’s one of those questions some people put on the “no go” list along with politics and religion while others shout out their ratings loud and proud. Whether you or your servicemember are comfortable talking about disability ratings with others you must understand how a disability rating is calculated before […]
Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) Program: Filing a VA Disability Claim

Every military spouse rolls their eyes at the common tongue-in-cheek answer to treating our servicemember’s physical and mental aches and pains, “Take ibuprofen and put a bandaid on it!” Now it’s time to transition and bandaids and ibuprofen aren’t going to suffice, but what are the options to file a VA Claim and how does […]