The Military Spouse Transition Timeline Part One: The Big Questions

Happy senior female enjoying weekends water trip.

Military spouses want a timeline. They want a checklist of things they need to do. While our servicemembers receive a long to-do list to get out of their respective branch of the military, there is nothing handed to the military spouse.

I heard from multiple military spouses over the past week asking if there was a checklist for military spouses. Did you know I have one? It has only been available in a download .pdf format up until now. But, I want to make it more accessible for those who are searching for transition support.

Part one the big questions military spouse transition timeline

So welcome to the Military Spouse Transition All-in-One Transition Timeline. This is the first in a series that will bring the relevant to-do list for military spouses. It should line up pretty well with the checklists your servicemember is getting. So, read on to get the information you need to retire “like a boss.”

Remember, you can always download the MilSpouse Transition All-in-One Transition Timeline to print out or use digitally for yourself.

Let’s Start With the Big Questions – 4+ Years Out

Transition starts with conversations. And these conversations need to be asked earlier rather than later. This is a crucial piece to transitioning successfully, but a piece that many military families start too late in the game.

Ask these important questions to yourself then bring them to your partner. Of courser, when appropriate, include the kids and other relevant family members in the conversation.


Do I want to work or start my own business?

  • Have I opened my LinkedIn account to begin networking? (Military spouses and Veterans get one year of LinkedIn premium for free!)
  • Do I need career counseling?
  • Do I need education, training, or upskilling?
  • Do I want a career mentor?
  • Is the servicemember going to work? Will it be full-time or part-time?
  • Is my servicemember interested in USO Pathfinder, Skillbridge, SEP counseling, certification opportunities, resume support, etc?
graduation photo

 Education/GI Bill

  • Has my servicemember transferred the GI Bill to (remember there is a 4-year service requirement to transfer to dependents)
  • What education needs do our children have that we need to consider when transition arrives? (IEP, tutors, homeschool, University, etc.)
  • What benefits or tuition support does our anticipated state to retire offer military children for college-level education?


  • Do we have 3-6 months of living expenses saved?
  • How much accrued leave should be saved for time off or extra income?
  • What are our monthly expenses? Do we anticipate them going up or down after transitioning?
  • What is the civilian equivalent in pay to maintain our current lifestyle? Use the Regular Military Compensation Calculator to help you.
  • Do we have IRA’s, a TSP, or other retirement funds in place? If so, what are they and how do we access them?
  • Are we saying, “Yes” to the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)?
  • Are we getting life insurance? If so, from who and how much?

Location/”Forever for Now” Home

  • Where do we want to live?
  • What benefits do these locations offer us?
  • Is it important to be close to family members?
  • Have we or can we visit the desired locations to check them out?
  • What does the area offer in terms of hobbies and activities our family enjoys?
  • Are we buying, building, or renting a home?
  • Are we using the VA loan to buy, build, or renovate?
  • What are the property taxes like in each location and does that affect our budget?


  • What medical issues, including surgeries, do we need to address before transition? Consider each member of the family in this discussion.
  • What medical issues does your servicemember need to start documenting for their disability claim? Pro tip: The military spouse often remembers more injuries than the servicemember. Start at the toes and work your way all the way up to the nose to discuss all of it!
  • What Tricare/healthcare plan is best for our family?
  • What dental/vision options are available with that plan through Benefed/FedVip?
  • What medical issues will require continuity of care before, during, and after transition? How can we ensure continuous care is covered?

Military Transition “Stuff”


About The Founder

Anna Larson, Founder, MilSpouse Transition pwered by NomadAbout, LLC

Anna Larson

Hi, I am Anna Larson. I love helping military spouses move successfully from active duty military life and on to their next adventure.

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